Meet 14-year-old Kia!
Kia loves watching movies, reading and going to the zoo. She and her single mom help at church and have fun dressing up for the trunk or treat (see the photo!). Kia likes Tinkerbell, zebras and going over bumpy terrain in her wheelchair.

About Kia's Condition.
In addition to Cerebral Palsy, Kia has Rett Syndrome, a serious lifelong neurological disorder. Her vision is unreliable and, because she is confined to a wheelchair, she developed severe hip dysplasia and had two corrective surgeries to relieve the pain. As a result of these diseases, Kia has severe intellectual disabilities with autistic features and requires 24/7 care especially because of seizures.
Kia’s mom was let go from her position because she missed work to take care of Kia.