Ryder has been hospitalized since his birth May 30 due to his Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). He has already undergone one open heart surgery and a shunt takedown surgery. He will require another cardiac surgery in the future.
Due to his lengthy hospitalization, Ryder will require neuro-developmental cardiac rehab visits over the next 6 months to a year. When he is able to leave the hospital, he will likely continue to require NG tube feeds.
Since Ryder’s birth, his family had to leave their home in Snowflake until he is released from the hospital. They are living with parents who they are paying rent for the additional expenses. Gas to go back and forth and check on their home periodically is expensive while also additional costs while at the hospital.
Ryder’s dad, Zane, found a job cleaning pools while here and will go back to coaching when they get back home. His mother, Ashlee, quit her job as a labor and delivery nurse to care for Ryder and his sister Jerzee.